Check out my post from my homebirth website. I thought you all would enjoy some tips on getting that birth you want and deserve!
How do I get the birth I want?
Most families find Peaceful Pregnancy Pathways because they have a good understanding of why pregnancy is natural to the women's body and finding a provider who is trained in nurturing that is essential! Here are some of my favorite picks that I has found to compliment Midwifery Care and encourage families to achieve the bliss of birth:
-Find a Midwife! Low-risk women have better birth outcomes when cared for by a Licensed, Certified Professional Midwife
-Get a Doula! If you do not know what a doula is, learn it, love it, and GET ONE!
-Educate yourself! Learn from a Midwife how very different each birth is and why the patience and autonomy of a Midwife allows for each body to do it's labor flow in a...
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